Monday, February 16, 2009

Keeping it interesting

Today was going to be "boss fight strategy" day, but I started thinking about another topic: how to keep the game interesting between level 80 and the promised difficult content in the Ulduar patch.

I got back into WoW after a three-month hiatus, and had to play catch-up to all my guildmates who bought the expansion at release. I sped through the content, didn't read quest text, and paid little attention to what I was killing and why. I then blew through heroics to get the gear and experience needed to raid 25-man dungeons and become part of the progression group. Now I'm burned out again after this short a time. I can't bring myself to join the pick up groups for 10-man dungeon achievements, I have no need to run heroics, and my general demeanor toward logging on to do anything on my priest is tepid, almost to the point of apathy. This is a problem, because I don't WANT to be burned out. I WANT to be excited about this game again. I could level my other toons, but they're all in the guild, and I'm always in "leave me alone and get off my lawn" mode when leveling. That said, here's a short list of things I can do to not lose interest in the game.
  1. Blog about it - done and done.
  2. Listen to podcasts that are still excited about it -
  3. Level on another server where no one knows me
  4. Read up on WoW lore and do quests in interesting places.
That's what I've been doing, but I am still trying to think of more compelling things. Any suggestions?

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