Last night, I was pulled in randomly to a Naxx25 raid already in progress the SECOND I logged on. I was still technically holy specced after my aforementioned heroics on Saturday, so I had to speed over to IF and unlearn all my talents! Thank goodness they don't make you spend the gold to re-train every level of a spell anymore. Here's the Shadow Priest Boss Strategy I came up with from my limited encounters last night. Correct me if I'm wrong. Always. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Instructor Razuvious (or, MC duty for dummies)
This is incredibly easy for a Shadow Priest. It's all about timing of cooldowns, and if it's one thing we know a heck of a lot about, it's cooldowns. Typically you and one other priest will be chosen to Mind Control a Death Knight Understudy. If you are not chosen for this task, remind your raid leader of your affinity for watching cooldown timers, and the fact that, as a shadow priest, you have PLENTY of +hit to ensure your MC does not miss on the level 82 mob. You have to be absolutely on top of your game or this could be disastrous. Here are the steps for supaa victoly:
- Mind soothe your intended victim. Scoot down the ramp a bit until Mind Control is no longer out of range. Stay off to the Left or Right side of the ramp, depending on your intended target.
- When the raid leader says GO, you hit the Mind Control buttan. Make sure ze buttan is easy to see, as you'll be needing it again fairly soon. From here on out, timing is everything.
- If you're not the first one to tank Razuvious, wait until your Priestly Partner calls out for you before you start on step 4. If you're the first to tank, go to step 4 immediately after you MC the understudy.
- There are 3 ability buttons (buttans) on your new minion. Unless you have screwed with your bar addons like I have, they will correspond to hotkeys. Press them in the following order:
- Press 6 on the keyboard - Bone Barrier will reduce your mob's damage taken by 75% for 20 seconds. If you do not do this FIRST, your mob will die, you will die, and your raid will run away screaming.
- Press 5 on the keyboard - Taunt, like the warrior ability of the same name, will cause your mob to tell Razuvious a "yo momma" joke, and thus pull aggro. Do this VERY FAST, as Razuvious will start attacking the raid otherwise. There is a 20 second cooldown. REMEMBER THIS NUMBER.
- Press 4 on the keyboard - Blood Strike. Instant melee attack that your minion uses on Razuvious. Mash this when the 4 second cooldown is up. You'll use this approximately 4 to 6 times before you must taunt again.
- Once you have finished the initial 6, 5, 44444, 6, 5, 44444 rotation, your Mind Control will need to be refreshed. You can watch the cooldown if you like, but the absolute rule to follow is use Taunt twice, then redo Mind Control. Quickly right click MC on your Buffs area (I use CTMods for buff tracking) or just hit the MC button on your button bar to let go of the mob, then immediately (IMMEDIATELY!!) pick it up again.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 until Razuvious dies. Whoever is closest to losing MC should then release his or her understudy and let the raid kill it. Then release yours if you have not already, and help your friends kill it.
- Profit.
If, for some reason, you're not tasked with MC duty, Just kill Razuvious and the non-MC'd understudies as hard as you can, and maybe throw up VE to help with healing top-offs, as healers will be stretched thin if your raid decided to use two healers to do MCs. If your raid insists on using healing priests, you might want to make sure your +hit is high enough.
Gothik the Harvester (or, DoTs? We don't need no stinkin' DoTs!)
When you enter the room, you'll see Gothik standing up on a platform on the opposite wall, and a gate next to the entrance with prison bars dividing the room. You will be assigned to either the left or the right side. The left side is the Living side; the right side is Undead. When the encounter begins, the gate will close. It is a dps race after that.
There really aren't many steps to this one. You are a DPS monkey. Not pulling aggro from the tanks is the tricky part in phase one. There are 3 types of mobs. They spawn first on the left. Once killed, their spirits go to the right side, where the other group has to kill them. It goes back and forth for awhile.
- Unrelenting/Spectral Trainees - These are nonelites. Just target and mindsear on the first wave. After that, just use Mind Flay when you see one. You will kill 24 in all.
- Unrelenting/Spectral Death Knights - Elites that cannot be CCd. VT + DP + MF is all I really had time to do. They go down fast with focused DPS. You CAN use Mind sear, but be very careful, as it's easy to pull aggro.
- Unrelenting/Spectral Riders - Super tough elites. On the living side, you must only kill one at a time. Do NOT pull aggro, or you will die. I recommend just tossing some DoTs and concentrating on the other mobs.
Throughout phase 1, it is a dps and healing race to keep everyone alive. There are many mobs at once, and you have to be careful on the Living side that you don't overwhelm the Dead side with too many elites at once. There are usually only 2 tanks per side. Phase 2 is easy peasy. Gothik will come down to the living side. You will hit him with DoTs, and MB/MF until he teleports to the other side. Eventually, for phase 3, the gate is opened and it's just Tank n Spank to the end. Just do your normal routine in this phase.
Four Horsemen (or, Just let me hit play on Yakity Sax)
This fight is very simple, and doesn't really require bullets or list points, but since I like indented text, here you go.
- Four tanks will drag each of the four horsemen to a different corner. You, the Shadow Priest, will stack (for the love of god, please stack) with the other casters and pull out all the stops on your assigned Miniboss (generally Kor'Thazz or Rivendare first). Our group generally sticks casters on Thane Kor'Thazz's side.
- Do some damage. Make these wussies cry.
- Every 3 marks (see the WoWWiki article to find out specifics), the tanks on Kor'Thazz and Rivendare will need to taunt the bosses off each other. There are two strategies you may follow, but generally your half of the DPS will either run with the tank, or wait for a meteor and stay put. Many times, this part is chaotic. Just keep damaging, trust your tank, and stay in a stack, and you will be fine.
- Once the first two are down, you'll go do DPS on the last two. Blaumeux does a void zone thing. Stay out of those. While on Zeliek, just stay spread out. You will need to pay attention and switch sides every 3 marks until the bosses are dead, just like on the first two.
- Profit.
Edit: Added Four Horsemen strategy. Toodles!