Last night, after a very long day, I came home to find I was supposed to be in a raid 30 minutes prior. I thought, and was dead certain, that the raid was an hour later than it was, so I was in a very horrid mood, hungry, and had a headache.
The next three hours were some of the most mind-numbingly bad Naxx10 boss attempts I have ever seen. Can you people not read up on boss strategies before you come? That is standard practice for ALL 10-man content in our guild. You read up on strategies beforehand, and fine-tune for your specific group. Am I way off here? Anyway, the point is not how miserably we did on boss fights, but how awesome I did at being a shadow priest.
Granted, most of the group was in here for the first or second time and didn't know what was going on at any given time (won't name names), but even on Maexxna I was not far below the others. I was on web wrap duty, you see, so I spent some time running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
So even though we wiped twice on every boss, there was a little gimmer of a smile coming from beyond my computer. Thanks, failgroup, for making me feel awesome.
Note: not everyone in the group was fail, but enough of it was fail that I have dubbed it "Failgroup." Stay tuned! Tomorrow I'll post another in depth look at a specific spell.
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