Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Clownsuit

So I finally found a couple of other Shadow Priests to model my gear after, but getting to that point is not going to be easy. You see, almost all of the gear upgrades (closer to sidegrades really) I can get are also upgrades for Warlocks and Mages. I need a few more pieces from Naxx, including the one from the quest to unlock EoE. I think there are two upgrades from Malygos drops, and two in H OS (with 2 or 3 drakes only). I gave in and spent all my valor tokens on the valor shoulders and gloves, and those are the only tier pieces for me.

Here's a list of my gear vs the gear I actually want. Not everything will be listed, because some of the upgrades are sitting in my bags rotting while I wait for the OTHER gear to drop. All it really does is redistribute the hit points and add a smidgey bit more spellpower.
SlotHaveWantDrops From
HeadGothik's CowlHood of RationalityHeroic EoE
NeckChain of Latent EnergiesWyrmrest Necklace of PowerH Malygos Quest
BackDeathchill CloakPennant CloakH Sarth+2 drakes
WristAzure Cloth BindingsBands of ImpurityH Naxx - Noth/Gluth
LegsLeggings of AtrophyLeggings of the Wanton SpellcasterH Malygos
FingerSeized BeautyLost JewelH Naxx bosses
FingerBand of Channeled MagicSignet of Manifested PainH Naxx Kel'Thuzzad
I'd include my trinkets, because I want at least one of those to be upgraded to the Dying Curse for the +hit, but the jury's out on which to replace: Sundial of the Exiled, or Embrace of the Spider.

Anyway, the Shadow Priest's quest for epic gear is all about balance. Sure I'd like items with a higher overall rating, but I can't give up all my +hit, so a balance must be maintained. If I want to change out one or two pieces for higher spellpower, that's one or two OTHER pieces I must also change out. It's such a pain. UGH!

1 comment:

Sromkie said...

We all feel the pain of the balancing act. It usually seems to revolve around hit for all DPS classes. Good Luck!

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